Warehouse clubbing returns 14/11/98

Well the tittle say's it all... Yep that's right, bring out all your old addidas clothes and prepare to get down and dirty with some of Wellingtons expert junglists and tracezoid turntable wizards. The date has been set at the 14Th of November and the location is no secret...SHED 6 on Wellington's beautiful waterfront. From 10pm till dawn, stomping basslines and swirling highs will thunder back and fouth across the huge capacity dance floor at the speed of sound, followed by a light speed display of laser technosis coming direct to you from the Innerphase laser systems(Christchurch). Deejays include Conspiracy, Andybee, Flux, Ruffstep, Dannyboy, and other special guests. A full cafe and seating will be provided as well as all associated facilaties ie.toilets etc. Other attractions included are the human gyroscope and possibly a round or two of mini golf. Mezzo Forte productions have always had one on going motive, creating an environment which makes these gatherings enjoyable and safe aswell as spectacular. Expect nothing but pure enjoyment and prepare to dance till dawn in uniqe true skool style that is EVOLUTION. Advance tickets for this event are $15 and avalable from both TANDY'S music stores, Lampton Quay and Manners mall, and also FLIPSIDE records on Bond St WGTN city. EVOLUTION@SHED SIX NOVEMBER 14TH, will be one dance event not to miss, as this venue is comming to the end of it's expected life span and this could well be the last dance event of this size. The event begins at around 10pm on the Saturday and there will be no stopping till dawn with performances from the stage to the turntables and even a little live excursion from a special guest live artist. QUESTIONS AND INFO AT andrewb@paradise.net.nz