Gathering dj application
Regional organisers in the main centres are as follows:

- AUCKLAND - Michael Hodgson - 025 863 500 - PO Box 78014, Grey Lynn, Auckland
- WELLINGTON - Simon Kong & Phil Williams - 04 475 8417 - 8 Coolidge St, Brooklyn, Wellington
- NELSON AREA - Murray Kingi - 021 932 987 or 03 548 1694 - PO Box 1386, Nelson
- DUNEDIN - Simon Hendl & Kate Lange - 03 477 4044 - 360 Moray Place, Dunedin
- CHRISTCHURCH - James Meharry - 03 374 6476 5pm to 9pm (not Fridays) - PO Box 976, Christchurch
Mix tapes in by 23 August please!
Please submit your mixtape/performance tape to your nearest Regional
Organiser and include with it the following information:
- Your name and DJ/Performer name
- Your contact details (address, phone, email)
- Your preferred music style
- Please send dubs rather than prized originals, as we cannot return them