out of the place
needles skip which makes
i am here
i have been here for a long time, time in spaces where sleep is to wake.. when i look at all this space there
is my time. in a barn on the misted coast, night light
being candle light, shadows dancing. in shadows are the
places. in a place out of.. when i sought these things a
child amoung lords of acid dreaming. i wanted what i had
lost, lost what i wanted. being,
i am here
on these high hills in bowls, amoung a unison never before scene by us, bodies diped and swayed in honey
magic.. movement on a spiral train, endless pursuit.
i begin to awaken in to light, only light from shadows
moving in firelight, cosmic rays as food earth dance
me and i all in abundance of. confusion,
i am here
glare in cold orange, harsh on these faces that i stand
against, freinds or version aborted of. streets running long into the night, long into time.. as we strech each hand. chinese and a shopping with a crystal wand, these
magics fold the heart in paper bags, in shadows drifting
senseless, spas and parts of flesh removed to jest at
these times, dance in a cold room a room consumed in
orange flame cold in glare. warmth,
i am here
so much time here, dance is a footstep. club is a sandwhich, and all here. people much, i lite ciggarettes after thought and converse with you. who. and make this chance fall my hands touch music, who. then as sound here again, time. how much time, how much not time late as later and still you magic, you. all this and you with you beside me and you. understand,
i am here
this room , with a ribbions arranged, and speak as to talk shy in words. this music you speak dancing in the background of your sound. attraction beside everything and this, tv toys and soft carpet, i being a stranger
to all but your sound, unconnected in reflect, only left with a unrefused, fused. connection,
i am here
dance floor filled with a soul and chance. to many faces
become my face and all these places. time exchanged with love and perhaps this, place and syntax remove what i know, bring me the one who understood. reflection become
and i seek these magics, i seek and search each time. at
every place i find me, myself lost looking. me,
i am here
in a position
maybe included
part of
this time spent
hour intwined
rapped into
exploted on
i am here
.ember suln
##positive00000.3%"the pleasure of being a cat"##