The collected adventures of Obscure...
Somehow you've stumbled on to our archive of old stories. We don't want this stuff to be public, but now you're here you may as well look around... many of the links won't work, so use your back button to navigate back here...
- Jerk
- Promo from the Stealth Ninja Tunes Tour
- Images from Psurkit Breaker
- The infamous Psurkit Breaker infomercial
- Bang!Psurkit... Episode three in the continuing saga... Crazy Ivan and Halogen back in the loupe... but where are they playing?
- Check out the images from Sasha... a few close ups of local famousness
- Orientation '97... Lava Lava and Auckland City hip hop crew down in Wellington...
- Check out some of the video stills from Jeff Mills playing in Auckland...
- The Sentinal Audio (needs Real Player)
- Driving up the North Island... Skankatronics in Auckland...
- Agent Halogen saves Wellingtronika from the Troids at Psurkit PlusPlus
- Airborn... Dave Angel spinning at ESC
- Images from the original Psurkit party...
- Static imagery from the mindfuck that was Solid...
- Images from Encounter in Auckland a while back...
- Freddy Fresh kicks back in the Cybotron Lounge
- Bogans for miles, power failures and more trance than you can shake a glow stick at was the flavour for Entrain
- DJ Tjaden battles the dark forces of Goa in Auckland at the Meridian party
- Sonic Mass was the last event put on by Cybernetic Industries, early '96
- Deviant Dubsters Unitone HiFi entice you into bass driven ecstasy
- The deeper, wider, smoother shit on David Harrow of Technova
- Skankatronics... Pure Wellingtronika...
- Roots revive back in force...
- Lava Lava on the wire...